What is the rarest gemstone in the world?

What is the rarest gemstone in the world?



Determining the rarest gemstone in the world can be subjective and depends on various factors such as availability, demand, and uniqueness. The rarest gemstone in the world? However, one contender for the title of the rarest gemstone is the "Painite." The painite gemstone was first discovered in Myanmar in the 1950s and was initially believed to be the rarest mineral in the world. It was so rare that for decades, only two specimens were known to exist. However, more recent discoveries have increased its availability, although it remains extremely rare and highly sought after by collectors.


Another gemstone often cited as the rarest is "Red Beryl" or "Bixbite." It is found primarily in the Wah Wah Mountains of Utah, USA, and is prized for its vivid red color. Red Beryl gemstone is significantly rarer than diamonds, making it highly valuable to collectors and enthusiasts.