Rubies and garnets, while both red gemstones, have distinct differences in terms of their chemical composition, physical properties, and value. Difference between ruby and other red gemstones.
Chemical Composition:
Ruby gemstones are a variety of the mineral corundum, composed of aluminum oxide with chromium impurities responsible for their red color.
Garnet gemstones on the other hand, are a group of silicate minerals with various compositions. Red garnets typically contain iron and aluminum.
Rubies have a vivid red color, often described as "pigeon blood red,"
Garnets come in various shades of red, from deep red to reddish-brown, but they lack the intense red hue of rubies.
Rubies have a Mohs hardness of 9, making them one of the hardest gemstones, surpassed only by diamonds. This makes rubies very durable and suitable for everyday wear.
Garnets have a hardness ranging from 6.5 to 7.5 on the Mohs scale, making them less durable compared to rubies.
Rubies are among the most valuable gemstones, especially those with a pure, intense red color and minimal inclusions. Large, high-quality rubies can command prices even higher than diamonds.
Garnets are generally more affordable than rubies due to their abundance and lower demand.
Rubies often contain inclusions, which are tiny mineral crystals or other imperfections. Inclusions can affect the clarity and value of a ruby, although some inclusions, such as silk (rutile needles), can enhance the stone's appearance through asterism (star effect).
Garnets typically have fewer inclusions than rubies, and high-quality garnets are often eye-clean, meaning they have no visible inclusions to the naked eye.
Rubies are found in various locations around the world, including Myanmar (formerly Burma), Thailand, Sri Lanka, and Africa.
Garnets are more widespread and can be found in many countries, including the United States, Brazil, India, Madagascar, and Tanzania.
These differences contribute to variations in appearance, durability, and value between rubies and garnets, making each gemstone unique and desirable in its own right.
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